Use of condoms may be justified, says pope Irish Times
Catholic church tries to clear confusion over condom use The Guardian
Vatican: Condom use less evil than spreading HIV Breitbart
Condoms sometimes permissible - Pope Independent online (SA)
Pope words on condoms bolster AIDS fight in Africa The Star
Vatican: Pope Seeks Debate on Condoms, AIDS CBS News
Vatican broadens case for condoms to fight AIDS The Star
Pope's Condom Comments Set Off Firestorm Wall Street Journal
Catholic church tries to clear confusion over condom use The Guardian
Vatican: Condom use less evil than spreading HIV Breitbart
Condoms sometimes permissible - Pope Independent online (SA)
Pope words on condoms bolster AIDS fight in Africa The Star
Vatican: Pope Seeks Debate on Condoms, AIDS CBS News
Vatican broadens case for condoms to fight AIDS The Star
Pope's Condom Comments Set Off Firestorm Wall Street Journal
Popes can be confusing. Not that I am rarely confused by the proclamations of significant people. Anyone has the capability of confusing me. But I do not remember ever being as confused by a pope as I am now because of a statement of the Pope’s in an interview, made public this past week. There have been six Popes in my lifetime so far, and only two of them never confused me. One died within a month of his election; the other has been beatified.
The headlines reported that Pope Benedict said it is ok for male prostitutes to use condoms. Later, a clarification stated that his statement was meant to cover all prostitutes; the use of a condom to thwart procreation is not moral, but the use to thwart infection where there is no possibility of reproduction is ok.
He said what? Does this mean that prostitution is more moral than a married couple’s use of contraceptives? Is this a change in Church teaching? The statement received very wide dissemination and caused a lot of befuddlement. The World Health Organization’s boss “welcomed a statement by Pope Benedict XVI that condoms can help prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS.” –Associated Press
Isn’t this the same Pope who said in Africa that condoms are NOT the solution to the AIDS pandemic? Does he not lead the same Church whose teaching has been that contraception is intrinsically evil, meaning that any sexual behavior that is not open to conception is immoral? Did not Benedict’s predecessor, John Paul II, write a book called “Theology of the Body,” among the tenants of which is that condom use is a sin because it closes the door to the possibility of creation?
And now that same Church is saying that sexual acts that close the door to procreation are only immoral when practiced by a married couple, but ok when practiced in the course of prostitution? That is what the news stories seem to suggest. Thus, my confusion. I’ll reveal how I resolve that confusion next week. Meanwhile, give me your thoughts or confusions about this here!